A brief description of the product
The CryoHolder is a tool used to improve workflow and efficiency of
all lab workers who work with frozen cryo samples. Therefore there is a big
potential for collaboration with different laboratories that use such samples.
We are searching for distributors who would help us reach such laboratories in
China. We have marketing materials that will help in search of distributors and
we can provide samples and technical sheets of the product as well. We have
solid financing, direct control of the production and great team behind the
product, which all contributes to stable supply and fast response time.
Pharsol ltd. Background
Pharsol LTD was founded in 2016 by Miha Rajh. Since then the company
has grown from a small company that specialises in pharmaceutical solutions to
a multi-brand company that deals in a variety of fields including:
CryoHolder - a tool for efficient cryovial transfer
bioprocessing equipment. We are a BIONET partner and distributor.
spare parts and single-use bioprocessing equipment,
The Lab Label - a brand of designer lab coats made from
sustainable materials
Pharsol Protect - a brand that sells protective workwear
We received different grants and funding from domestic and
international authorities to support our projects and work. With it we managed
to grow sufficiently and in the last year our net sales exceeded 380.000,00 EUR
The clients we are targeting
All research institutions and laboratories,
IVF clinics,
Gene banks,
Viral laboratories,
Cell culture laboratories
Universities of life sciences,
And all other laboratories that work with frozen material stored
in cryovials
A brief description of the product
CryoHolder is a unique tool for a faster, easier and safer transfer
of cryovials or cryogenic tubes. It’s shaped like a pen and made out of
aluminium, which enables it to work in a temperature range from -190°C to
120°C. You can sterilise it in the autoclave and with disinfectants, which
makes it very practical for everyday use
A description of the principle of the product
It works in just four easy steps: you plug the tip of the CryoHolder
into the cap of the vial
tube you want to transfer, pick it up, move
it to the desired location and release it by pressing the button on the top of
the tool.
The range of applications
The CryoHolder can be used for every process that involves frozen
biological material in vials or tubes: biobank inventory, transferring vials
from the freezer to your workbench or searching for specific samples. It is
really useful when you need to move a specific vial from the cryobox.
Self-positioning in the market
The CryoHolder is a must-have tool for the biobanking, genebanking,
IVF, biopharmaceuticals and bioprocessing industries
Competitive advantage
The CryoHolder is better than it’s competing product because:
It ensures a safe transfer without the vial/tube falling off the
It enables a lot faster transfers
The user’s hands are safe and protected from frostbites
It’s made of aluminium and therefore can be sterilised at high
temperatures (competitors’ products are made of plastic)
It’s a universal fit for all major vial providers’ vials
Furthermore we have really fast production times and therefore can
fulfill large orders in a matter of days. We can also offer the modification of
our tool to fit any vials that do not already fit to CryoHolder.
Potentials and challenges
Our tool saves the user a lot of time and effort and therefore
optimises the work process - making it a must-have tool for everyone who works
with liquid nitrogen stored samples.
Each version of the tool fits many different vial types and
therefore gives laboratories possibility to work with different vials and vial
There are many different vials on the market which we can modify
our tool to fit with them. We believe that many Chinese vial producers could be
a potential partner for us.
Chinese market has its own characteristics, and someone who has
good knowledge of it could sell the CryoHolder with much better success than if
we try ourselves.
Reaching potential customers can be challenging, as each
laboratory or institution has a different hierarchy of decision-makers and it’s
harder to make a universal strategy for contacting them
There are many different cryovial manufacturers and therefore we
need to figure out to which of them our tools fit
How to reach smaller laboratories, which are a perfect fit for us,
but harder to get in touch with.
Forecast of market-facing opportunities
The market is expanding all the time. Biotechnology and life
science industries are still one of the hottest, most booming industries. We
are looking at 5-10% market growth per year.
We are expanding our network of distributors monthly, with main
focus on Western European countries, where we are gaining a foothold and
expanding our market presence.
We are in talks with different cryovial producers to start
partnerships that would enable us to offer our tool directly to the buyers of
their cryovials.
Models of cooperation or types of partners being sought
We are mainly looking for distributors for the Chinese market or
someone who’d licence the product from us and sell under their own brand.
We can supply you with any needed marketing materials for
achieving such goals.
The specific project objectives expected to be achieved
At least three contract deals with Chinese distributors of lab and
bioprocessing equipment
Breakdown of investments
So far we have received:
A grant for 54 000 € (Slovene Enterprise Fund)
A convertible loan for 75
000 € (Slovene Enterprise Fund)
A grant for 75 000 € (EIT
Contract details
Miha Rajh
Pharsol Ltd.
Vreclova 2 2311 Ho?e Slovenia
Tel.: 00386 40 945 959
Email: miha.rajh@pharsol.com