Notice on Hosting the 1st China-CEEC Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

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Young people drive innovation and future development of the world. To foster young talents from China and CEECs (Central and Eastern European countries) and spur their creativity and entrepreneurial spirit, we are planning the China-CEEC Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (“the Competition”) as a platform for learning, ideas sharing, and cooperation. The Competition, is planned to be held between March to May, welcomes all young innovators and entrepreneurs from China and CEECs presently working on innovative projects. The details of the Competition are as follows:

I. Theme of the Competition

Innovative Youth Share the Future

II. Registration

A. Registration. Participants with qualified projects are encouraged to register and apply on the official website (

Deadline for registration: 24:00, April 6, 2023(BJS)

B. Qualification Review. The Organizing Committee of the Competition (“the Committee”) will review the application documents. Projects whose application documents are approved as qualified will be eligible for the preliminary round.

C. Categories. Participants may register for competition in one of the following categories according to the team’s affiliations: Enterprise Category, Team Category, and Joint Innovation Category.

D. Fields of the Competition: Depending on which field the candidate project is in, the participant may choose to compete in the following three fields: Digital Innovation, Biomedicine and Healthcare and Advanced Materials.

E. Language. The official languages for the Competition are Chinese and English.

Ⅲ. Schedule

The Competition is divided into preliminary round and final round.

A. Preliminary round: A group of experts will evaluate the documents submitted by the participants to select finalists.

B. Final round: The final round will be held offline in Ningbo, China, on May 17 and 18, 2023 in the form of roadshow.

IV. Prizes and Supports

A. Prizes. 1 first prize(80,000 RMB), 2 second prizes(40,000 RMB) and 6 third prizes(20,000 RMB) will be granted to winning projects in the Enterprise Category, Team Category, and Joint Innovation Category respectively.

B. Support. The organizing committee will provide accommodation and meals for participants during the final round. Further information on transportation fees will be announced once confirmed.

C. Follow-up support. The Committee will provide further matchmaking services and policy support for the winning and promising projects (More information can be found in Attachment 1).

V. Contact

China-CEEC Innovation Cooperation Research Center

Tel: 0086-574-87615003(Ms. WANG, Ms. HU)


Ningbo Science and Technology Bureau

Tel: 0086-574-89186234(Mr. YE)

Attachment 1 Organization Plan for the 1st China-CEEC Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.docx
Attachment 2 Registration Form.docx
Attachment 3 Letter of Commitment.docx

The Organizing Committee of China-CEEC Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition